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Forest Service Internship

During my internship with the forest stewardship program, the main focus of my time was organizing the information collected by the other intern into a visually coherent format. This meant comprehending, condensing, and compiling information into pamphlets, illustration, and graphic organizers. 


The treehouse was an interesting digital illustration process in that it needed to display multiple organizations embedded within the Forest Service.


In addition to the infographic, I was also asked to format the information provided by the other intern in the program. I wanted to keep the design supremely sleek and easy to read, so that the information and photographs would shine rather than design. It was interesting to balance design and information, but I loved the work.

Native Plants Stickers

Native plants stickers for tribal nursery

Forest Stewardship Pamphlet Page 1

Forest Stewardship Program informational pamphlet 

Forest Stewardship Program Page 2

Continued layout and additional infographics

Forest Stewardship Program Infographic

Branches of the Forest Stewardship Program infographic

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